What is it about some people. They moan because they have no work in one breath and then in the next breath they moan because they have too much.

This happened to me this week at work. One of my colleagues was complaining when she'd been called on not  getting her work in on time, because she didn't realize she had to apparently. And then in the next breath she was moaning because she wasn't making enough money. This is someone who's apparently been in the business a while and when she was working at her last company was a Team Leader. So you'd think she'd understand the cause and effect relationship that goes between meeting deadlines and work flow, but obviously not.

Then there's the one who was sick for a couple of days, didn't bother to tell anyone or ask anyone to let us know! At least she had the decency to apologize when she made contact.

Nothing to majorily serious you may be saying missing a deadline by a day and being off sick for two days and not letting anyone now. Well maybe in normal circumstances this would be the case, but these two were working on separate files for the same client and therefore all their work was late back. No the impression you're trying to project as a professional company.

All it really takes it to remember some manners and a little common sense and courtesy. Losing your voice doesn't stop you from writting a message, or an SMS in today's ultra-connected world. And while we fully understand emergencies happen, a little smattering of common sense in the business world goes a long way.

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